A unique andon light system to optimize warehouse processes WERMA Signaltechnik, based in the south west of Germany, is launching at Logimat in Stuttgart (8th-10Th March 2016) a unique, intelligent call for action andon light system for warehousing and packing operations. Unlike traditional andon lights this not only gives clear and immediate optical signalization of operational condition changes but also documents and analyses non- productive events.
Notify a call for action/assistance direct from the work-station AndonSPEED allows the member of staff to simply press a but-ton on his packing station and activate a signal light which gives a clear indication of the type of assistance required and thereby enable intervention to respond immediately.
Whether it be a request for new material to be delivered, assistance required or that work is running out, with the help of AndonSPEED the appropriate intervention can be called up im-mediately. This can help reduce waiting times and delays in responding to requests for intervention and thus make the operation more lean and efficient.